colab would like to express its deep gratitude for the healthcare workers across the world who under the most extraordinary circumstances continue to work tirelessly to keep us all safe.
in times like this it is important to keep the flow of information, colab continues to monitor the ever evolving situation and pull resources from around the world for patients and healthcare workers. please also refer to cancer care in the time of COVID 19 for articles in caring for cancer patients during this time. this page is regularly updated. last update 19.05.2020
alberta health services has provided recommendations for cancer patients recovering from COVID 19 in the COVID 19 scientific advisory group rapid response report
american association of cancer institutes [AACI] launched a slack workspace as a forum for AACI cancer centre members and national cancer institute leaders to share challenges and best practices related to COVID 19 and cancer. to protect the privacy of members and encourage open discussion, all requests to join the forum require administrative approval from AACI. find out more here
the american association of cancer research [AACR] held their annual meeting virtually April 27-28 – you can access the resources from the meeting here. key data presented during the cancer and COVID 19 pandemic is available at oncology central
american association of endocrine surgeons elective endocrine surgery guidelines
american college of surgeons guidelines for triage and management of elective cancer surgery cases during the acute and recovery phases of coronavirus disease 2019 [COVID 19] pandemic
the american medical association [AMA] has provided resources available to help physicians cope with increased levels of distress and anxiety during the coronavirus disease 2019 [COVID 19] pandemic. these resources build on the AMA’s efforts to ensure physicians and other front line health care professionals have access to tools to manage their own mental health and well being as they continue caring for patients. the resource guide on mental health is available here
for AMA‘s resource centre on COVID 19 for physicians visit their site here
american medical association physician innovation network forum on telemedicine amid COVID 19 is open until april 18. 2020 and available here
the american society of clinical oncology [ASCO] is aware that people with cancer and cancer survivors, particularly those with compromised immune systems, are likely worried about the potential impact of COVID 19 on their health. patients should talk with their oncologists and health care teams to discuss their options to protect themselves from infection. please visit the site here
ASCO patient care information is regularly updated and available here
ASCO provider and practice information is available here
ASCO has released new recommendations for the oncology community to consider as institutions across the country prepare to make difficult decisions about allocation of resources. the recommendations are not meant to be a guide for making individual allocation decisions but affirm the “inherent worth and dignity of each patient affected by cancer” and state that allocation decision processes “should not unconditionally deny patients with cancer consideration for access to scarce resources.” full recommendations available here. note that this preliminary version will be replaced with the final published manuscript, once available.
american society of hematology [ASH] in an effort to serve its members, ASH is maintaining a COVID 19 resource page as a medium to exchange information to assist hematologists in navigating the COVID-19 public health crisis.
they also have FAQs related to COVID 19 and hematologic cancers, non malignant topics, practice issues, and other available here
BC cancer COVID 19 information for health professional in cancer care
BC cancer COVID 19 and cancer screening information for patients and healthcare professionals
the government of canada has published information on supporting vulnerable populations supporting vulnerable populations in canada
the canadian association of medical oncologists [CAMO] is hosting a webinar COVID 19. implications for canadian cancer care. the webinar is being held april 13. 2020 watch the recording here. for more resources from CAMO please visit here
the canadian medical association journal [CMAJ] is committed to releasing information related to COVID 19 that is deemed to be of public health and policy importance and have articles and podcasts, blogs post and news available and updated frequently
cancer care ontario had released a pandemic planning clinical guideline for patients with cancer including cancer patient priority classification as well as additional guidance specific to clinical care during the COVID 19 pandemic in their COVID 19. further updates may be released as the COVID-19 pandemic evolves and clinical evidence develops. the information provided is supplemental to that provided in sections of the pandemic planning clinical guideline [above] and does not replace it.
a full directory coverage from the cancer letter is available here.
for the latest ecancer COVID 19 resources click here
the european cancer organisation [ECCO] has released a statement on the ongoing measures being taken across europe to manage the developing situation connected to the COVID 19 pandemic. the statement gives particular attention to the growing impact of COVID 19 on the treatment of cancer patients as well as the impact of the present situation upon the functioning of Europe’s scientific, healthcare professional education and patient association sector. the statement is available here resources available by ECCO members are available here
european society for medical oncologists [ESMO] as the leading professional organisation for medical oncology, will continue to support oncology professionals as much as possible by helping them to deliver optimal care to their cancer patients in such exceptional circumstances. ESMO is encouraging medical oncologists to work closely with their local governments and health authorities to maintain the provision of high-quality cancer services safely in their clinics and hospitals. visit the site here.
the ESMO resilience task force, in collaboration with the ESMO young oncologists committee, the ESMO women for oncology committee, ESMO leaders generation programme alumni members and also the OncoAlert network have planned a series of global surveys to evaluate how oncologists and other oncology professionals are affected by the challenges posed by the COVID 19 pandemic, assessing changes to routine practices, wellbeing and current levels of support available. the survey takes about 10 minutes to complete and the information collected will be instrumental to better understand what can be done to support ESMO members’ through these difficult times. take the survey now
ESMO has provided a tiered approach in delivering a guidance for cancer patients during the COVID 19 pandemic is designed across three levels of priorities, namely: tier 1 [high priority intervention], 2 [medium priority] and 3 [low priority] – defined according to the criteria of the cancer care ontario, huntsman cancer institute and magnitude of clinical benefit scale[MCBS], incorporating the information on the value based prioritization and clinical cogency of the interventions.
ESMO management and treatment adapted recommendations in the COVID 19 era. epithelial ovarian cancer
ESMO management and treatment adapted recommendations in the COVID 19 era. gastro oesophageal cancer
the european society of surgical oncologists [ESSO] have provided a statement on COVID 19 with advice for surgical oncologists on cancer service provision – the statement is available here
innovative medicines canada [IMC] has launched a COVID 19 resource centre – this resource centre contains information on IMC members’ contributions to treating and eradicating COVID 19 as well as important resources and links. the site will feature the many contributions of IMC members in making tests for COVID 19, discover new treatments and vaccines, and support healthcare workers and communities in canada and around the world. of note, a section on drug shortages with the latest IMC public messaging is also available.
medicaments novateurs canada a lancé un centre de resources lié à la COVID 19 – ce site présente les nombreuses contributions des membres en matière de tests visant à dépister la COVID 19, la découverte de nouveaux traitements et vaccins et à soutenir les travailleurs de la santé et les collectivités au canada et dans le monde. à noter également, une section dédié sur les pénuries de médicaments.
manibota. provincial covid 19 resources for healthcare providers are available here as well as for patients in english and french. cancer care manitoba also share resources for patients here.
national comprehensive cancer network COVID 19 resources for the cancer care community
the national comprehensive cancer network hosted a webinar on april 20. 2020 talking to patients about cancer treatment, risk factors, and treatment cessation during the COVID 19 pandemic and for the latest resources on COVID 19 for the cancer care community click here
oncology central resources
the canadian association of medical oncologists [CAMO] is hosting a webinar COVID 19. implications for canadian cancer care. the webinar is being held april 13. 2020 watch the recording here. for more resources from CAMO please visit here
oncology live webinars on COVID 19 and cancer care. what oncologists need to know today a webcast series –
week 1 watch the recording here
week 2 watch the recording here
week 3 watch the recording here
week 4 watch the recording here
week 5 watch the recording here
week 6 watch the recording here
week 7 watch the recording here
guiding nurses on HCC management during the era of COVID 19 may 18. 2020
oncology education COVID 19 resources
webinar implications for canadian cancer centres part I april 13.2020 watch the recording here
webinar implications for canadian cancer care part II april 29.2020 watch the recording here
oncology nursing society [ONS] is dedicated to providing valuable and up to date resources regarding COVID 19 in response to its members’ concerns and clinical staff is continually monitoring the latest information here.
the ministry of health and social services of québec is offering training for the three most popular platforms used to carry out telehealth interventions. training tools to prepare patients for a virtual consultation with their healthcare professional using TEAMS, REACTS and ZOOM are available here [en français]. healthcare professionals have also received training on these platforms over the last weeks.
le ministère de santé et des services sociaux du québec [MSSS] offre de la formation sur les 3 outils les plus utilisés pour réaliser les interventions en télésanté. des outils de formation pour se préparer à une visite virtuelle sont disponibles pour les patients pour les outils suivants, donc TEAMS, REACTS et ZOOM et disponible ici. dans les dernières semaines, le MSSS ont aussi donné de la formation aux professionnels
en soutien aux équipes de cancérologie dans le maintien et l’organisation des services aux personnes touchées par le cancer, un document global a été produit à l’attention du personnel du réseau de cancérologie par le MSSS recommandations et procédures générales en cancérologie dans le contexte de la COVID-19 et protection des personnes touchées par le cancer et des professionnels pour en savoir plus sur les politique et procédures générales en cancérologie pour la COVID-19 et la protection des personnes touchées par le cancer et des professionnels visiter le site du MSSS ici
recommandations pour le secteur pédiatrique le MSSS a établi des règles spécifiques à l’oncologie pédiatrique, qui sont complémentaires à celles déjà mises en place en cancérologie, par la publication de recommandations concernant à la prise en charge de la clientèle en oncologie pédiatrique dans le contexte de la COVID-19
the society of surgical oncology has compiled set of resources from multiple references. it will be updated frequently as information about COVID 19 evolves. please visit often for updates here
touch oncology COVID 19 resources are available here
the alberta cancer foundation has published resources for patients and family members here including a self isolation information sheet, online assessment tool and general information for albertans.
ASCO’s has provided resources for patients with cancer regarding COVID 19. the post is reviewed and updated daily with new information.
BC cancer agency information for cancer patients – an FAQ for cancer patients in BC updated as the situation continues to evolve. visit the site here. for up to date information on COVID 19 in british columbia visit the BC centre for disease control.
cancer research UK COVID 19 resources for cancer patients
ESMO guide for patients cancer care during the COVID 19 pandemic this guide has been prepared to help patients, as well as their friends, family and caregivers, better understand the impact of the COVID 19 pandemic on their cancer care. it contains information on COVID 19 and its symptoms and measures that can be taken to lower risk of becoming infected. it also provides information on the impact of the COVID 19 pandemic on various aspects of cancer care, including possible changes to treatment plans and appointments, which may be necessary to keep patients safe from infection. this guide is regularly updated and available here
canadian breast cancer network [EN|FR]
international alliance of patient organizations [IAPO] member resources
the canadian public health association is providing free access to 10 low cost, nutritious recipes from the basic shelf cookbook!
about the basic shelf cookbook
the basic shelf cookbook is a special cookbook containing recipes that can be made from one list of low cost, nutritious ingredients that make up what we call “the basic shelf”. the basic shelf cookbook was originally developed in the early 1990s by the city of york health unit and designed for anyone living on a budget. the recipes are nutritious, tasty and are quick and easy to make.
find recipes here
this site is regularly updated by the cancer collaborative as more information becomes available we will publish it here.
for information about the COVID 19 outbreak in canada click here