this site is regularly updated by the cancer collaborative as more information becomes available we will publish it here. last updated 06.05.2020
colab would like to express its deep gratitude for the healthcare workers across the world who under the most extraordinary circumstances continue to work tirelessly to keep us all safe.
in times like this it is important to keep the flow of information, colab continues to monitor the ever evolving situation and pull resources from around the world for patients, caregivers and their families.
the american college of surgeons has prepared a COVID 19 and surgical procedures guide for patients
ASCO’s has provided resources for patients with cancer regarding COVID 19. the post is reviewed and updated daily with new information.
the american society of clinical oncology [ASCO] is aware that people with cancer and cancer survivors, particularly those with compromised immune systems, are likely worried about the potential impact of COVID 19 on their health. patients should talk with their oncologists and health care teams to discuss their options to protect themselves from infection. please visit the site here
the government of canada has published information on supporting vulnerable populations supporting vulnerable populations in canada
the alberta cancer foundation has published resources for patients and family members here including a self isolation information sheet, online assessment tool and general information for albertans.
BC cancer information for cancer patients – an FAQ for cancer patients in BC updated as the situation continues to evolve. visit the site here for up to date information on COVID 19 in british columbia visit the BC centre for disease control.
BC cancer COVID 19 and cancer screening information for patients and healthcare professionals
the canadian cancer society has developed a resource for coping with cancer during the COVID 19 pandemic and COVID 19 and cancer resource page
cancer research UK COVID 19 resources for cancer patients
the US centre for disease control and prevention [CDC] has specific recommendations for people who are at higher risk of serious COVID 19 illness – available here
european society for medical oncologists [ESMO] guide for patients cancer care during the COVID 19 pandemic this guide has been prepared to help patients, as well as their friends, family and caregivers, better understand the impact of the COVID 19 pandemic on their cancer care. it contains information on COVID 19 and its symptoms and measures that can be taken to lower risk of becoming infected. it also provides information on the impact of the COVID 19 pandemic on various aspects of cancer care, including possible changes to treatment plans and appointments, which may be necessary to keep patients safe from infection. this guide is regularly updated and available here
fred hutch cancer centre [USA] advice for cancer patients, survivors and caregivers on who’s most at risk for COVID 19 and what you can do to stay healthy what cancer patients need to know
manibota. provincial covid 19 resources for patients in english and french. cancer care manitoba also share resources for patients here.
the nova scotia health authority has provided resources for cancer patients during the COVID 19 pandemic available here
the ministry of health and social services of québec is offering training for the three most popular platforms used to carry out telehealth interventions. training tools to prepare patients for a virtual consultation with their healthcare professional using TEAMS, REACTS and ZOOM are available here [en français]. healthcare professionals have also received training on these platforms over the last weeks.
le ministère de santé et des services sociaux du québec [MSSS] offre de la formation sur les 3 outils les plus utilisés pour réaliser les interventions en télésanté. des outils de formation pour se préparer à une visite virtuelle sont disponibles pour les patients pour les outils suivants, donc TEAMS, REACTS et ZOOM et disponible ici. dans les dernières semaines, le MSSS ont aussi donné de la formation aux professionnels
national cancer institute [USA] what people with cancer should know
national comprehensive cancer network COVID 19 resources for the cancer care community
pulse infoframe healthieTM stress monitor is an online survey that helps measure stress and anxiety levels during and after social isolation. the healthieTM stress monitor is a short “check-in” assessment with initial screening questions. each participant will receive a summary result at the end of the survey and may be invited to participate in a full longitudinal impact study.
saskatchewan cancer agency FAQs for cancer patients about novel coronavirus COVID-19 and screening program information for patients
world health organization [WHO] rolling updates on COVID 19
resources available by patient groups
international alliance of patient organizations [IAPO] member resources
the canadian public health association is providing free access to 10 low cost, nutritious recipes from the basic shelf cookbook!
about the basic shelf cookbook
the basic shelf cookbook is a special cookbook containing recipes that can be made from one list of low cost, nutritious ingredients that make up what we call “the basic shelf”. the basic shelf cookbook was originally developed in the early 1990s by the city of york health unit and designed for anyone living on a budget. the recipes are nutritious, tasty and are quick and easy to make.
find recipes here
this page is no longer updated by the cancer collaborative. last updated may 4. 2020
for information about the COVID 19 outbreak in canada click here